Besides beauty Underwater, Raja Ampat has views Upperwater no less exotic.
Lately, we are often presented, both print and electronic media, on the exotic underwater Raja Ampat. underwater biodiversity is one of the last heritage that exists in the world (World Herritage Site). There are about 1,104 species of fish, 699 species of molluscs (soft animals) and 537 species of coral animals. More great again nih, 75% world's species of coral are here and some of them are endemic (found only in Raja Ampat only) source: wikipedia. Therefore, the government through dipardanya (Department of Tourism), do not want to miss to publish after Raja Ampat formed into districts.Well actually located where the hell gan Raja Ampat in this beloved country?
Raja Ampat is located in the province of West Papua. Administratively, Raja Ampat crowned became a district in 2003 that used to be one of the districts (sub-district) in Sorong. Geographically, Raja Ampat has 610 islands of which only 35 islands are inhabited and 4 island magnitude, among others Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, and Misool. Each island has its uniqueness of each, ranging from land, sea, lakes, wildlife, and vegetation. Not only that, Its social has a good diversity of ethnicity, culture, religion, customs and language.
The island became the county's destination is travelista ane Misool island located at the South end (see map above gan). Since there is no airport, so the only access to this district only by ship from the port city of sliding. Already a lot of really that airlines serving routes town sliding West Papua, a picture for a long trip and the ticket price, Jakarta-Makassar taken for 2 hours with the price ranged 600-900rb, makassar-sliding applied for 1 hour 50 minutes at a price ranged 800 rb-1M, so yaaaaa, less traveling for 4 hours on the plane (ndak including delayed and transit time in bandarannya loh gan) and splurging 1.5-2 jtaan deh reply from our nation's capital. Well if've arrived at the airport DEO (Domine Eduward Osok) in the town of Sorong, we can directly to the port (most pay to ride public transportation 3000) to ask if there is a ship heading Misool. It is necessary to say gan ane earlier, transportation to the island in the southern part of the district of Raja Ampat is very difficult compared to the island in the north. We must be diligent to port the ship to find out if there are ships leaving for Misool there because there is no timetable fixnya, if asked ABKnya (ship's men) on the exact schedule, always the answer depends on the waves and wind. Well he gan, waves and wind Raja Ampat in this really vicious if another season. The most dreaded monsoon season here is the south wind. According to the crew if it starts its season, the waves can be more than 10 meters, higher than the ship. South wind season occurs from early June to September. So advice ane, if you want to Misool is the October until May gan. Anyway we can also charter a speedboat to get there, very expensive cuman gan, might run out 3-4 jtan, balloons together behind loh gan. usually already one packet round-trip if you want to rent a speedboat there, not to mention chargenya if overnight, this, that. Well if a large ship, cheap aja kok, cuman 200 rb, with long ranged 7-8 hours from the Port of People in the town of Sorong with the aim of Port Hope Jaya in South Misool district. After leaning dipelabuhannya, we can check this in the homestay there. There is only one heck homestay has been operating there, so many choices ndak kitanya. One person charged 350rb per day. Weather conditions here ndak unpredictable, sometimes scorching heat, eh sudden rain, so bring a raincoat ane advice, what more if we rent a boat that guns are no hood.
speedboat who use guns hood
If do not want to Hirst, yes sediain sunblock, hats, and jackets gan slayer. cuman if want ngetanning yes siapin wrote tan oilnya, guaranteed rivet hehehe.
Well the location of beaches scattered small pulau2 in this district, so, for menjagkaunya would not want to use the speedboat. Pantai2 here is quite unique, a combination of white sand with rocks shaped like a cone provides its own beauty that there are guns in the other place. Not to mention the coral reef that runs along the coast. No need anyway gan diving, snorkeling aja quite satisfied for ane. In fact, again, if more meti (language there for reference to the low tide), we just walk doang create beauty nikmatin reefs
Bujubusettttt sand, like flour, sifted again gan, we nginjek dipasirnya ankle tuh we can sink until over heels, sandals ane aja until dropping out because paksaain step. Ane friend until nggambil sand use mineral water bottles for decoration jadiin he said. not to mention the seawater, beningggggg really. Monggo diliat foto2 gan ane below.Please dinikmatin:
Beach Yefpian

Beach Banos

Panun beach

Beach Teteruga

Kapat Malili

Subscribe Olobi beach

Beach Gamfi

Laguna Namlol

Beach Olobi
Ane also took time to visit the Resort owned by foreigners in South Misool this. Resortnya name is Misool Eco Resort. Resort is located on the island Batbitiem, which is the southernmost island of the large islands in Misool, roughly takes about 1.5 hours by speedboat. The beach was no less interesting gan, clean, well maintained and beautiful essentially correct. If agan want nginep here, ahem ... ..siapin aja money 2000 euro for one week package. With the current euro exchange rate 12rban so yaaaa ... about 25 millions of gan if you want nginep for a week, a day becomes about 6 millions lah. Nanya fitting if a day can not, says the admin there could kagak gan, must paketan during the week.
Misool Eco Resort, Island Batbitiem:
Cozyyyyy place really, fitting dateng there we were greeted with the same friendly guide, when we are just going for a walk doang, then given the same familiar Caucasians who manage there. Incidentally fitting coming soon tourists who stay quiet, so we could roam freely. Bulenya words, if more crowded, he gan restrict our movements, guns bole to certain tempat2, he comforts his fear menggaggu so.
Well about people, villagers here quite friendly anyway, apart from the native tribes Raja Ampat (Matbat tribes and tribal Ma'ya), many immigrants are also tablets, especially from neighboring regions of Maluku, Buton, and NTT. Gan Muslim majority religion here, so ndak have to worry about the meals for the Muslims. Ngomong2 dishes, our guns could be separated from thegan fish such thing. For Fish Lovers (both hobbies are fishing and eating), this is the place. Therefore the majority of Muslims, culture and customs are not far away from the things that smelled Islamic, such as qasida, birthday, shower safar, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
Yes his name is also children gan, if you found the name of the beach, joy and freedom ndak be unstoppable dah, Main water, sand play, dayung2 canoe, essentially "empty tare" (if the language kite2 reference to "guns matinye")
It tips from ane before agan here:1. Plan a trip between October to May2. It is better to go to the doctor once agan 1 week before departure, and let me know if agan want to malaria endemic areas3. Invite your friends or family (ane suggestions least 6 people, maximum 10 people) in order to joint so that the expenditure per person can be minimized4. Bring repellent (Autan, sofell, etc.)5. Bring sunblock or tan oil if you want ngetanning6. bring a raincoat (Available umbrella before it rains gan)7. Hats and Jackets (gan wind can enter if the speedboat)8. Bring a snack or rantangan make provision for roads9. Create an angler mania, do not forget the fishing rod pole same equipment10. Glasses snorkeling at the foot of the same frog let ndak miss underwater scenery11. Last but not lease, camera dong, if you can have ato housingnya casing for underwater foto2
A few reports of ane. Although quite palace ane spend, worthed was to dapetin this incredible experience.
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